Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Welcome To Cut The Curse!

Chicago, IL- Sports blogs have become very popular over the last few years. Some really popular ones are USSMariner, BleedCubbieBlue, and LookoutLanding. Some famous sports writers are Dave Cameron, Buster Olney, and Jon Heyman. To become a good sports writer takes a lot of practice, and covering teams as much as possible. To become the best, the heart needs to enjoy doing it every second of the day.

I have grown accustom to writing over the last few years. Growing up as a kid, I hated having to write. However, my perception on writing changed after my sophomore year in high school. An English teacher I had really got me into writing on different ideas. Soon, I enjoyed writing and also speaking on all kinds of topics. When I started reading sports articles from such sites as Bleacher Report, I realized I found a career I was destined to be in.

So far, sticking to one place has been hard for me. Growing up as a Mariners and a Cubs fan, my upbringing was brought with losing culture. However, that never made me lose my interest in either team. I started a blog in February of 2014 called Mocha Mariners, and I planned to stay with it. The problem though was after awhile, I realized it was a difficult task covering a West Coast team in a Midwest city. Afterawhile, I started SouthSideSluggers, a blog about the Chicago White Sox. It didn't last long for me, as I slacked off on stuff. Now, I'm on my third (and hopefully final) blog.

Covering Major League Baseball at my age is not an easy task. I'm still in high school, and have a lot going on at the moment. My effort to cover the Cubs will be the best I can do. The usual posts will be about recaps, opinions, and news. The occasional posts will be about injuries, monthly reports, and minor league news. Enjoy the work put out here, as I hope this blog will be the one the fans and I enjoy working on.

-Daniel (DanielDoreCTC)

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